MongoDB Atlas Setup
MongoDB Atlas Account Setup and Configuration
Last updated
MongoDB Atlas Account Setup and Configuration
Last updated
If you are using VPS server and installed MongoDB locally through CLI, you can skip this guide. This is guide is for who installed the script through cPanel and didn't installed / have the mongodb on their server.
We will guide you on how to setup a MongoDB Atlas account and configure it for your Domain Hub Script.
First goto Mongodb site
Click Try Free button on top right. You will redirect to a page like below.
Click Sign up with Google Button. You can sign up with email by filling above form. Whetever you like.
After completed the signup and signin process, you will redirected to your MongoDB dashboard like below.
Just fill as you see the images above. or you can choose any options. It does not matter.
Now click the Finish Button.
You will redirect to either your dashboard or new Database setup page.
please choose your username and password. I am here choose domainhub as username and password1234 as password for demo purpose. You can choose yours.
Your password should not include any special character like @ # % *. Otherwise your have to convert your password into URL Encoded format.
You can generate a strong password by clicking Autogenerate Secure Password button on the right side.
Please note this is credentials. please do not expose your credentials to others.
Now below, on the IP Address field, please enter and click Add Entry Button.
Click Finish and Close.
Now you will redirect to your dashboard like below page. Click Database option on the left side column.
Click Connet Button. it will popup a window
On the first row, Connect to your application, select and click.
On the next step, copy the code down below.
You will have a MongoDB connect URI like this..
You need to change the username and password option from the URI.
Change domainhub to your username
Change <password>
to your password
Your final URI should have look like this..
Now come to your script admin panel, and navigate to Database option.
Choose Mongodb Atlas.
Paste the copied text on the MongoDB Atlas URI.
That's it. Your script is now using MongoDB Atlas Free Database.